living for the glory of God in the dominican republic

Saturday, February 21, 2015

7 Months Old

I have this "oh my!" moment at least once a week when I look at the boys. It still feels surreal to have twins :) When I stop & think about what I thought my life would be like at this age, it is NOTHING close to what it actually is! God's plan was so much better than mine. We have experienced 7 months with our boys, & our connection to them is that much stronger. 

This month was our month to really enjoy being around Max & Derek. They would respond to us with smiles & laughs, making our time with them even more special. They began playing with us as we interacted with them. We are so thrilled to be on this side of things :)

What new things have happened this month... 

Both the boys have added to their "vocabulary." Not only that, but it has only gotten louder! We've heard lots of grunts, screams, gasps, and even some consonants. They get super loud when they see someone watching. I feel like it's my first glimpse into all the chaos that will ensue once they're running around the house.
They've gotten better at noticing people. When you walk by, you can actually feel them watching you :) It's a fun new development because it also means that they enjoy playing with you on the mat. We've gone from just entertaining to actually playing together. They know that you're there, & they want you to be there. It's the best feeling EVER!
They are both very healthy & growing steadily. Max weighs over 15 pounds & Derek isn't too far behind at 14 pounds 10 oz. They're the same height - 25 inches. The one thing we did notice was their eyes, they were still deviating & going cross-eyed. So, we took them to the doctor here to have it checked.

It's been a fun month & were excited to say we've made it this far :) Their personalities are stronger, but we have a feeling they'll be more apparent in the months to come. We love them so much & continue to remind them that Jesus loves them the MOST! 

Happy 7 Months Max & Derek!

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