living for the glory of God in the dominican republic

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Our Family

We enjoyed the sunshine down by the malecón a week ago. It was so nice to get out of the house!

Kurt, Derek, me & Max

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Grandma & Grandpa Sprunger

Grandma, Derek, Grandpa & Max

Grandpa, Max, Todd & Derek

Derek, Grandma & Max

Grammy & Gramps Cline

Connie, me, Max, Derek, Kurt & Ken

Gramps & Derek

Grammy & Max

Jordan & Kelsey Rupp

Kelsey, Jordan, Derek, me, Kurt & Max

Auntie Lara & Uncle Mike

Auntie Lara, Max, Derek & Uncle Mike

Uncle Mike & Derek

Auntie Lara & Max

10 Months Old

Time flies when you're the mother of twins :) Max & Derek are keeping me on my toes & not planning on slowing down any time soon!

A quick update on these big boys...

>   We've got clappers! Both boys are really good at it, but refuse to clap on command... we're working on it :)

>   They started to pull themselves up with our hands. Obviously, they need a little help, but it won't be long!

>   Both got their first tooth is past month! On the top, no less! Max was first, but Derek wasn't far behind. They looked like little saber-tooth tigers... haha!

>   Derek is doing the army crawl like a pro. Max has chosen to take his time. Part of me wonders if he'll just forgo crawling & start walking.

>  I can barely carry these two lug-a-bugs anymore! Good thing they can sit up from being on their belly. It has helped immensely when trying to pick them both up. 

Our crazy cats are making us proud & hitting all their milestones. Kurt & I are definitely relieved! One less thing to worry about as they grow :) 

Happy 10 Months Max & Derek!

9 Months Old

I'm behind & that means I can't really remember what has happened over the past month! I do remember that Derek finally passed Max at their wellness appointment. I also remember that we had visitors, Auntie Lara & Uncle Mike and Jordan & Kelsey Rupp. And how could I forget this one... you're new favorite thing is hair! You both get super excited at the sight of hair :) I am constantly being abused by this fascination. Not baby related, Kurt & I celebrated our 7 Year Anniversary this month! 

As I look over this short update, I'm hoping the reason it's so limited is because we were too busy enjoying the boys in the moment :) We love them SO much <3

        Max                         Derek         
Weight  18.5 pounds                                 Weight 18.9 pounds
Height 26.2 inches                                    Height 26.5 inches

Happy 9 Months Max & Derek!